news retrospective 2013 >>>
La maison de Caroline, Parc des expositions, Colmar
From october 17. to 20. 2014
La maison de Caroline will show my tableware in her shop during all the duration of the fair.
A day of craftsmen and creators.short-lived sale... 1èrere Edition... Made in Alsace
On Saturday, September 06th, 2014, from 11 am till 9 pm
informations: ""
Gentlemen Designers, 19 rue principale 67117, Handschuheim (10 min de Strasbourg) |
Biennale du design d’auteur. Exhibitions, meetings and events ...
From june 28th to juli 06th 2014
In Sélestat |
"Passeurs d’Ombres et de Lumières, Territoire 14", exhibition.
From june 29th to september 30th 2014.
Hélicoop and Scène 2 show again their engagement for arts and culture in the country side. |
Ateliers Ouverts 2014
17-18 and 24-25 mai 2014 from 12 PM to 10PM
Come to visit my studio in Strasbourg. |
Exhibition"J’aime les créateurs" by Viviane-Lucie
The 16 may from 4 PM to 9 PM and the 17 may from 11 AM to 7 PM 2014.
Résidence de l’Aar, 9 rue des Arquebusiers, Strasbourg.
Private exhibition, only on invitation. Thank you to reserve at 06 07 27 43 21. |
Journées Européennes des Métiers d’Art
From 4th to 6th april 2014.
Present in studio HH Services Carrosserie, 2 rue du Rhin Napoléon, of Strasbourg.
Friday 4 april : from 2 PM to 6 PM, Saturday 5 april : from 10 AM to 6 PM
Sonday 6 april : from 10 AM to 6 PM. |
Bookshop of the Contemporary and Modern Art Museum of Strasbourg
Discover every month some new artworks, in a changing display cabinet of the bookshop...